
Tarjoamme asiantuntevia LVI-palveluja, jotka parantavat kotisi mukavuutta ja energiatehokkuutta.

A series of air conditioning units are mounted on a metal structure outside a building with white paneling. Two large windows are visible behind the units, revealing the indoors with fluorescent lighting.
A series of air conditioning units are mounted on a metal structure outside a building with white paneling. Two large windows are visible behind the units, revealing the indoors with fluorescent lighting.

Asiantunteva putkiremontti takaa vesivahinkojen ehkäisyn ja pitkän käyttöiän.

A section of an industrial facility featuring two blue valve handles on a large metal pipe system. The metal pipes are supported by concrete structures. Surrounding the pipes are green plants with leaves growing in the area, adding a touch of nature to the industrial setting. The background shows a slatted structure that allows light to filter through.
A section of an industrial facility featuring two blue valve handles on a large metal pipe system. The metal pipes are supported by concrete structures. Surrounding the pipes are green plants with leaves growing in the area, adding a touch of nature to the industrial setting. The background shows a slatted structure that allows light to filter through.
A complex arrangement of pipes, gauges, and valves typically found in a utility or maintenance room. The pipes are labeled for different water types, such as tempered water, domestic hot water, and domestic cold water. Several circular gauges display pressure readings, and there are multiple valves with yellow handles.
A complex arrangement of pipes, gauges, and valves typically found in a utility or maintenance room. The pipes are labeled for different water types, such as tempered water, domestic hot water, and domestic cold water. Several circular gauges display pressure readings, and there are multiple valves with yellow handles.

Suunnittelemme ja asennamme energiatehokkaita lämmitysjärjestelmiä, jotka säästävät rahaa.

Ammattimaiset huoltopalvelut pitävät järjestelmäsi toimintakunnossa ja ehkäisevät ongelmia.



Tarjoamme asiantuntevat palvelut erikoisempiinkin tarpeisiin.

A bright red firefighting pipe system is installed along a staircase with green and white walls. The pipes include prominent valves and connectors, and a yellow gas pipe runs parallel to the firefighting system. The stairs have wooden steps and white railings.
A bright red firefighting pipe system is installed along a staircase with green and white walls. The pipes include prominent valves and connectors, and a yellow gas pipe runs parallel to the firefighting system. The stairs have wooden steps and white railings.
Laboratorioiden ja puhdastilojen erikoisputkisto

Erikois osaamisemme takaa turvalliset ja tehokkaat lämmitysjärjestelmät vaativiinkin tarpeisiin.

A large, brown metal pipe is installed along the corner of a room. The pipe is supported by several bands of white tape or insulation material. Adjacent to the pipe, a white cloth or towel is hanging on a hook. The walls and ceiling are white, with a textured ceiling pattern, and there are visible cables or wires near the pipe.
A large, brown metal pipe is installed along the corner of a room. The pipe is supported by several bands of white tape or insulation material. Adjacent to the pipe, a white cloth or towel is hanging on a hook. The walls and ceiling are white, with a textured ceiling pattern, and there are visible cables or wires near the pipe.
Etävalvonta- ja ohjausjärjestelmät

Erikoisosaamisemme mahdollistaa kustannustehokkaat LVI-järjestelmien etävalvontaratkaisut kiinteistösi optimaaliseen toimintaan.


Toteutamme linjasaneeraukset ammattitaidolla ja nykyaikaisilla menetelmillä, varmistaen kiinteistösi putkiston toimivuuden vuosikymmeniksi eteenpäin.

Suunnittelemme ja toteutamme energiatehokkaat maalämpöratkaisut, jotka takaavat kiinteistösi ekologisen ja taloudellisen lämmityksen vuosikymmeniksi.

Luotettavia LVI-palveluita jo yli 30 vuotta

Tarjoamme asiantuntevia LVI-ratkaisuja, jotka parantavat kodin mukavuutta ja energiatehokkuutta. Meidän tiimimme on sitoutunut laatuun ja asiakastyytyväisyyteen.

A complex system of pipes and valves is connected to a large, cylindrical filtration unit, likely part of a pool system. White PVC pipes with red and gray valve handles are labeled 'SKIMMER' and are arranged at different angles. The surrounding area includes mulch and parts of an air conditioning unit.
A complex system of pipes and valves is connected to a large, cylindrical filtration unit, likely part of a pool system. White PVC pipes with red and gray valve handles are labeled 'SKIMMER' and are arranged at different angles. The surrounding area includes mulch and parts of an air conditioning unit.



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